Students will complete a DNP Project during their clinical residency courses. The DNP Scholarly Project is a project that brings together the practice and scholarship aspects of the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. It is designed to address complex practice issues that affect groups of patients, health care organizations, or health care systems while utilizing informatics, technology, and in-depth knowledge of the clinical and behavioral sciences. The clinical scholarship required in the DNP Scholarly Project reflects mastery and competency in the student’s area of expertise.
The DNP Scholarly Project begins in the first semester of study and continues throughout the program, culminating in a scholarly public defense and poster presentation at a nursing conference or research symposium. The students are offered the opportunity to work with their chair and committee on a manuscript for for publication in a peer-reviewed journal following their defense.
Students may choose to complete the required 500 clinical practicum hours in a private practice, clinic, inpatient unit, hospital system, or other institution or community. These hours will be a component of the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of outcomes of the DNP Scholarly project.
Students work closely with a specific Chair. Please refer to the School of Nursing Faculty Directory for a specific list.
For more information on this program, please contact Dr. Katherine Shue McGuffin, DNP Coordinator